11 April 2010


I have piles of small white & yellow note pads. They are in my car, any bag I have carried in the past 15 years, on my desk, my bedside table and dresser. They are tucked into the books I am currently reading and books I have read and also inside my kindle case. I always have one inside my Bible. With the exception of the small Bible I carry to church with me. Inside that one is a moleskin. I got it in my stocking. I think my wife is trying to convert me, but it isn't working and I don't think it will happen.

Last week when Rebecca was in my office and we were talking about what I should write as I remembered the acts of '94 in Rwanda, I found a note pad and on some of its pages I found a talk I had written. It was written for the afternoon when I spoke to the kids who attended soccer camp during the summer of 2009. I wish to share what it said with you. I shared a sentence or two last week, but today I'm sharing what was written before and after, in black on yellow.

I hope the words that were written last summer encourage you to seek change in your life that will be felt across the world as I present a similar challenge to you that I presented to them.

The leaders of Rwanda are saying that the best natural resources Rwanda has is the youth. They are doing everything to empower and equip then to dictate the pace of their future.

What this tells me is that the leader of this country have a succession plan in mind. That succession plan is YOU the children of Rwanda.

It has been said that "without a successor there is no success." So the preparation for you future leaders began this past week with Kids Across Africa Camps.

As we join hands with your great leaders to bring about transformation, you will encounter Jesus. When you encounter him, he will create, articulate and communicate a compelling vision to change what you talk about and dream of. To make you go beyond self interest, enable you to see yourselves and the world in a new way, provide insight into the very heart of things and to bring about the highest order of change.

This Jesus, who was also God, left heaven to invest in us in such a way that we are empowered. His joy is seeing himself reproduced in others.

When that change happens in YOU it will be felt all through Rwanda and across the continent of Africa.

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